When you find an apartment that takes pets, it’s golden. There are several steps you can take to make sure that your pet is an excellent tenant and welcome addition to your apartment community.  

First off, make sure that you know the rules about pets and follow them. Second, introduce yourself to neighbors and let them know you have a pet and want them to come to you if there are any problems, such as barking or howling so that you can address them.  


Key considerations with cats are scratching and the litter box. The important thing to remember is that cats are individuals, so owners should experiment and observe their cats’ preferences for the best results.  

Offer your cat scratching options that are more attractive than off-limits areas and items. Cats like a scratching post that is tall and sturdy (i.e., it won’t wobble) made of materials that they can really dig those claws into, such as a post wrapped with sisal. Some cats like corrugated cardboard or wood. There are cats that prefer horizontal scratching surfaces versus vertical ones.  

In addition to materials, placement is a consideration. If a cat seems to gravitate toward a particular off-limits place, put a scratching post there.  

The litter box is another huge item that needs attention and can require a fair amount of experimentation to find the box and litter your cat likes best.  

People like covered litter boxes because they help prevent a mess, but a cat may not like doing its business in a closed space. Covered litter boxes can also trap odors and make the cat not want to use it.  

Litter type makes a difference. Fine-grained litter has a softer feel and may be preferable for your cat. Even though humans like the idea of scented litter to control odors, a cat might not. Use trial and error to find the right one.  

Location matters. If your cat doesn’t like the place you’ve selected, it will find an alternative. The easiest solution may be to place the litter box where the cat has chosen to do its business so that it might be persuaded to use the box instead of the floor or carpet.  

Lastly, keep the litter box as clean as possible. Just like using a dirty toilet is a turnoff for humans, using a dirty litter box is distasteful for our feline counterparts. If you are gone for long hours, you might consider an automated litter box if you think it won’t scare your cat.   


With some patience, dogs can be trained to have the right behaviors that will make them good tenants.  

To find out what happens while you’re away, surveil your dog. Is he barking or chewing on the corner of the kitchen cabinet? With today’s technology, there are simple and affordable devices that will allow you to view your pet right over your cell phone or computer.  

A dog may bark as passersby, in which case, you can close the blinds or curtains. Boredom is another reason for barking or chewing the wrong things, so providing food puzzles and safe toys can help with that. Separation anxiety can cause your dog to bark, so leaving recently worn clothes that smell like you can help. With some effort, you can also train your dog to recognize a set phrase that signals that you will return. There are also over-the-counter products your vet can recommend to help calm an anxious dog. If all else fails and the problem persists, consider having a pet sitter check in or enroll your dog in doggie daycare.